Compaq Laptops India
We at Acma Mobtech provide complete solutions for the repairs and maintenance of all Compaq laptops. We have professionally trained staff to perform quality laptop repair services. Our people have a very good knowledge in Compaq laptop repair and all of them have the skills for performing component level services for motherboards. Our people can professionally execute component level services by checking all electronic components such as ICs, mosfets, transistors, connectors and resistors. We can also rectify display problems like dark LCD screen, faint displays, dead displays, white on display or color red tint on display, flickering display and low contrast displays.
Please be aware that we do not carry out warranty repairs on Compaq Laptops.If your laptop is still under warranty, we advise that you contact the original supplier, or contact Compaq support via their website.
Compaq Laptop Repair Service Includes:
- Laptop Diagnostic Testing.
- Replacement Part Installation.
- Upgrade Part Installation.
- Repair/Upgrade Estimate.
- Clean Interior & Fans
- Clean Exterior
- Driver Update
- Data Recovery (Fee Applies)