BIOS ASUS motherboard
Making the best quality hardware is pointless without the best hardware warranty – no company is immune to acute device collapse and catastrophic failures, whether initiated by other devices or a result of prolonged decay and eventual death. We know – it’s tough to talk about your dead components, but it’s an important part of moving forward; the process is tough, but well-defined: Acceptance, grieving, thermalpaste, gaming.

Device failure sucks. Troubleshooting is a painful process and may point to a zapped motherboard, bent pins, faulty memory, or a collapsed video card. Warranties serve as a backup and tend to be of 1, 3, or 5 year durations (which are absolutely planned to be within ‘average’ parameters), and as Google’s HDD test showed, failure rates in hardware tend to be highest at the 3-month and 3-year marks.
We’ll compare the best motherboard, video/graphics card, power supply, RAM, SSD/HDD, CPU (and coolers), and case warranties in this guide.
Note: The guide has been split into multiple pages for decreased load times and ease of sorting.
Note 2: This is a very big guide - we are human and prone to error, so please, if you see any errors at all, point them out in the comments and we'll correct them immediately.