Serial number of Dell laptop
Most, but not all, Dell laptops have user-replaceable batteries.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images News/Getty Images
Traveling business owners and their employees often depend on laptops to work on the road, and, even when using the most high-performance laptops by manufacturers like Dell, will occasionally run into service issues. Like all Dell computers, the Latitude uses a unique service tag as the laptop's serial number. This service tag uniquely identifies your computer and allows Dell technicians to quickly pull up your Latitude's hardware configuration. The service tag is typically located on a sticker adhered to the laptop's case, but it may also reside in the system setup utility.
Shut down your Dell Latitude before searching for the serial number. This prevents damage to mechanical hard drives and optical drives that don't like being jostled around during operation.
Check the rear of the laptop where the docking station connector is located. Some Latitudes may conceal these connectors under a hinged, plastic cover. Look for a sticker with a "Service Tag" number.
Turn the Latitude over and look for a "Service Tag" sticker on the underside of the laptop.
Start the computer and repeatedly press "F2" as the system boots to enter the setup. Typically, you press "F2" when the Dell logo appears, but repeatedly pressing "F2" helps avoid mistiming this key-press. Look for "Service Tag" in the information list on the first setup screen.