Hp Home and Home Office Store

Get award-winning service & support in your home or office
Extend coverage up to 4 continuous years on your HP or Compaq PC with an HP Care Pack HP On-site Service. This plan covers telephone support, shipment of customer-replaceable parts to your home or office and service in your home or office if the issue cannot be corrected remotely.
Just chat online or by phone with an HP technician. If that doesn’t solve the problem, we can even send help right to your door1 to perform repairs on the spot. In rare circumstances, you may be required to send the product back to HP for service (no charge for shipping).
HP On-site
1 The on-site repair process includes remote diagnosis, which may result in sending the customer an easy-to-replace part, scheduling a visit to the customer’s home or office- with the technician arriving within 3 business days of logging the call with HP and determining that an on-site visit is required- or, in rare instances, sending the customer’s PC to an HP-authorized repair site. On-site visits are available 8am-8pm local time, Monday-Saturday, excluding holidays.