How to Block IP Addresses in WordPress
You've worked for a long time to originate your website and always tried to make it superior. Your site can probably be significant to your livelihood - you need that essential money to save your business. WordPress has enormous popularity nowadays and a considerable amount of market share, that's why it becomes a coveted prize for hackers and other computer burglars. WordPress security is a topic of huge importance for every website owner. It is an excellent, secure platform out of the box, but there's more you can (and should!) do to keep your site safe from creepsters with malicious intent.
Google is plagued by almost 50,000 websites because of phishing and of 20.000 malware. If you are distressed about your website, then you have to put attention on the WordPress security. Do you want to do away spam from your email, banish intruders, protect yourself from hacking attempts, and DDOS (denial of service) attacks? You should block an IP address from accessing your website. KodeSmart blog is exactly what you need. It will help you to secure WordPress Websites or block IP address wordpress. It offers automatic IP blacklisting, which will save you plenty of time and energy.
KodeSmart can also help you to get rid of Brute Force attacks. How does it manage? It places users on timeouts or constantly blocks them from making future login attempts. By means of a nifty plugin called Login LockDown implementing IP Address Blacklisting will be extremely easy. You can instantly download the plugin on this website. Moreover, KodeSmart can help you to install a WordPress on your PC. It provides a special guide of installation, that's why it will be absolutely easy for everyone. In addition the website will instruct you how to remove WooCommerce billing address fields. WooCommerce is by far one of the most user-friendly solutions for selling products or services via your WordPress website. The free plugin allows you to accept Payments, track Invetory, run Marketing Campagigns and generate performance Reports.
The site also provides different sections that can surely kindle your interest. You can get instant access to tons of guides for all major programming languages including PHP, Python, C-Sharp and more through the "Kode" section, learn graphic design through the "creativity overload" section and join the club of Wordpress web-developers. You will certainly like it!